Restricted items

Restricted Items

Any item on the list of prohibited items is not allowed to be listed or sold on Kristamall. Whether or not a Seller intentionally listed a restricted item, doing so will be regarded as a violation of our Terms of Service. If Kristamall decides that a listing is inappropriate or in violation of the law, it has the right to remove the listing and void any associated transactions, including termination or suspension.

Generally, the following items, services, business dealings, or activities are not permitted to be associated with Kristamall:

1. violates any laws or regulations of the government, or encourages or assists others in breaking the law;

2. Is dishonest, false, unjust, or exploitative;

3. Damages Kristamall's reputation or poses a danger to do so;

4. The conditions of any bank, card, or electronic payments transfer network are broken;

5. Generates a considerable risk of chargebacks, fines, damages, or other liabilities;

At Kristamall's discretion, the list of Prohibited Items may occasionally be changed. To give our users better information and context, examples of things that fit into particular categories might also be increased.

Any of the following goods or services cannot be sold through Kristamall:

1. anything unlawful

2. Drugs such as:

(i) illicit substances or narcotics

(ii) pharmaceuticals, equipment on prescription, or over-the-counter medications

(iii) Items, equipment, or services sold with the intent of being used to make or use drugs

Aiming to make money off of catastrophes and calamities, listings have inflated prices (such as "fire", "coronavirus outbreak" etc)

stolen items:

(i) Note: If a purchased item is reported as stolen, the item may be confiscated in accordance with the rules and the victim or another party may demand its restitution.

Products that are counterfeit or violate the intellectual property rights of a third party:

(i) Listings of non-brand, non-authentic, copycat, fake, or replica products

(ii) Items that are infringing on copyrights, such as handcrafted goods or other items featuring trademark logos or copyrighted characters.

(iii) It should be noted that brand-name products must have serial numbers or receipts available at the time the item is listed.

Weapons such as:

(i) Guns and gun parts, such as airsoft and BB guns

(ii) Ammunition and its component parts

(iii) knives constructed of materials that cannot be detected by a metal detector, such as switchblades, hunting knives, pocket knives, butterfly knives, and knives that are concealed or hidden inside other objects.

  • Note: Kitchen utensils and multitools with knives are acceptable.
  • Weapons of mass destruction or explosives

    Including military-grade self-defense equipment

    Items used in identity theft, such as login passwords, account access codes, and so forth

    anything containing malware, spyware, or computer viruses

    Items that present a safety risk;

    (i) Restrictions on shipping via mail or other delivery services

    (ii) Goods that the Consumer Product Safety Commission has ordered the recall of

    (iii) Please take note that things that need special handling or postal instructions, such as flammable or combustible liquids, must be shipped using the ship on your own option.

    playing the lottery, selling pull tabs and lottery tickets, and using this service for raffles and mystery purchases are all forms of gambling.

    Items that are explicit:

    (i) Pornographic or offensive content

    (iii) Products with a sexual theme, including fetish items and sex toys

    inflammatory listings:

    (i)It is forbidden to post or link to anything that encourages or glorifies racism, bigotry, or any other form of prejudice (determined at our discretion).

    Reminder: The Company reserves the right to remove any item.

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