Market Guidline

Marketplace Norms

We make a lot of effort to maintain the marketplace secure. But we can't attempt it alone. To ensure that everyone may purchase and sell safely, we need your assistance.

Be friendly to your neighbours.

Real individuals actually purchase and sell items on Kristamall. They are not professionals, nor are they retailers. Interact with them as you would your neighbour.

Give them a true representation of both you and your goods. Only include products on your list that you plan to sell, at the price you intend to sell it for. If you bargain, bargain honestly.

Unacceptable Behavior:

  • Chat messages sent with the intent to intimidate, belittle, or harass another user
  • Listing products that support hate groups or celebrate violence
  • Using racial slurs in messages or listings
  • Incorrect information in listings or communications
  • Keep it secure.

    Meeting up with strangers in unusual places is not permitted. We ask that all transactions be made within the app for your safety. If your sale or buy happens offline, we can't protect you.

    Prohibited conduct:

  • Making an effort to remove a transaction from the Kristamall app (meeting in real life)
  • Partial or full trades (trading items so neither user pays or only partially pays)
  • Preserve the law.

    We abide by the law. And you too. According to National, County, and municipal laws, every item mentioned must be lawful to sell and legal to transport. 

    Additionally, we have to abide by the rules set forth by the payment processors and other business partners with whom we collaborate.

    Observe something that feels off? We are at your service. Contact Us.

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